
A bird in the sky

Posted on Mai 20th, 2014

Here on the country side of Switzerland, we can see a lot of this red kites. The tricky part is, to get a photo of them. If you are walking around you can see many of them. Some of them are fighting against a crow or more in reverse order.
But if you are coming with your camera… nobody’s there. They are doing this on purpose, to annoying me. But one time I catched one of them. Unfortunately until I had my tele lens mounted, it was to high to get a full frame shot, but I cached em anyway. Ha!


Bloomy monday

Posted on Mai 19th, 2014

Yeah, I know. A bloomy monday again. But hey, it’s spring and everything is blooming, so why not share some spring feelings to you.
I hope I could made a pleasure to some of you by showing this nice little flower in the big grain field.


The sun breaks through

Posted on Mai 18th, 2014

If you saw some other photos of me from this day, you know at this day rain had become a new dimension. Short before our daily destination I was driving around a narrow curve and then I saw this.
Wow, what an atmosphere after a very wet day. But sometimes it is better for a good photo to have a rainy or cloudy day than a clear blue sky without any shadows. It’s maybe better for your mood, but less for interesting images. After a long day stayed only in the car, we became a nice close with a moody evening.


A starry night

Posted on Mai 17th, 2014

It was one of my first try to catch the Milkyway. First I waited for a night without moon and second I waited with a night without moon and no clouds. And for better seeing conditions I was driving on a place in the alps where I have a good sight without too much light pollution.
I choose my favorite Waegital and this was my first visit there. I was starting at home about 8 o’clock in the evening and reached this point at 10pm. Took some images and left it short before midnight.
I never saw the milkyway so clearly and for central Europe it is really impressive how good I could see it.
Now I’m waiting for the next moonless night without clouds to take more of these awesome Milkyway shots.


Blowing in the wind

Posted on Mai 16th, 2014

The sun goes down, the clouds are dark, the wheat is golden and the clouds are moving. It was a dramatic atmosphere while the storm clouds are moving and with the sunset in my back.
To freeze the fast moving clouds I used a fullstopper filter and I could take the full 30 secounds exposure time to catch the wind in a photo. Can you feel the blowing wind?


The early bird…

Posted on Mai 14th, 2014

I hate waking up early in the morning but sleeping in the tent was anyway not so  comfortable. We built up the tent on an uneven ground, therefore I was sonstantly gliding of my mat. The whole two hours we had to sleep between the starscape shots and the sunrise.
So it was not as hard as usual to stand up, the hard time was coming later. But this time I was awake early enough to see the “Alpenglühen” when the sun was hitting first peaks with her red beams. It is always very impressiv to see the sunrise in the mountains, especially I can fight my lazy bones.


When the sun goes down in the mountains

Posted on Mai 13th, 2014

After a steep climb through the snow, I was at my destination on the right time for once. WOW! I had even enough time to check out the places where I have a good sight from the Tschentenalp. For the first part I took the cablecar and the last part I had to walk. And the good thing was, they had night sledging, therefore I could take the cablecar down again.
I stayed approximately four hours on the peak. I was on the top before the sunset and I didn’t leave until the clouds coverd all my beloved stars in the sky. AWhen I was back at my car, the sky was clear again, grml. But I could take some very beautiful images, like this one.


Bloomy monday

Posted on Mai 12th, 2014

After stressfull weekend I can show you some beautiful flowers. The Bleeding Hearts are blooming again.
I like the color contrast with the yellow flowers on the background. As everything is blooming I am preparing for the next attack of hay fever, when the grasses begin to bloom. Probably this year is it short but intense.


The hidden thing

Posted on Mai 9th, 2014

Today I was walking with my dog Bubu, like every day, as he begun snooping around nervously. What was he smelling? Okay, Bubu always finds something that smells interesting, that’s nothing special. But as I went to see what exactly he was looking at, I was really surprised.


There was something small hidden in the grass. It was not moving. And when I went looking closer, it was a tiny baby fox. Right beside the path where I am walking every day. And of course I had no camera with me, but wait, my Nexus 5 is in my pocket.
I pulled it out, fumbled on the touchscreen with one hand and controlled Bubu on the leash with my other hand and at the end I managed both and shot an image of this sweet baby fox.



Posted on Mai 8th, 2014

This a nice museum in Norway, like in Switzerland, where the curators preserves old buildings. You can see how the norwegian lived in other centuries.
The weather conditions were bad and not far in the future it started to rain. It was the right decision to take a bracket series and so I could save the sky.
If you visit Bergen, you should also stop at Gamlebergen ( ), near in the north of Bergen.
