
The shrinking glacier

Posted on Januar 28th, 2014

If you are watching a map, then you’ll see the Grindelwald glacier is going nearly down to the valley ground. But as you can see, there is missing a big part of ice at the end. Anyway this glacier looks still very impressive. I shot this image with my 100mm macro from the other valley side. If you are close to a glacier you should go for a hike to it and watch it from near distance.


The barrier lake

Posted on Januar 26th, 2014

This is one of maybe one hundert barrier lakes in Switzerland. I shoot this photo in april after a long winter, not like this winter. And you can see at the border of the lake the broken ice. Each time when they used the water in the barrier lake to generate electricity, the water surface sunk a bit deeper and crushed the ice at the shore. Good to have so many mountain valleys to get clean power, more or less.


Ducks on the lake

Posted on Januar 21st, 2014

It was one of the first spring days in the year, as I was walking around the lake. On this picture I used the first time a new technique to eliminate ghosts in a HDR image. It is a 3 shot bracket series and although it was less than a second to take all pictures, the ducks moved. And after the HDR processing you’ve got ducks with multible heads like hydras. To fix this, go to photoshop or a similar programm, lay the hdr image and a second image, which fits best in brigthness, behind it. Take a layer mask and rubber it through. After that correct the brightness with a brightness layer until you can’t see a difference at the borders e voilà a perfect hdr image without any ghosts.



Posted on Januar 19th, 2014

It was a cold winter day and short before the sun disappeared. And I was to the right time at the right place, to take this beautiful winter sunset. The sunset in cold winter days are not so colorful as in other seasons. But look at the wonderful pastel colors in the sky. Isn’t that awesome, isn’t it? So every season has its own charme, to get great images. You have just to do it!


Clouds at Tschappina

Posted on Januar 18th, 2014

This is not the first image from Tschappina. And so you may know, we were not so lucky with the weather. At the first time it was foggy at night. At the second time it was foggy at night too. And I thought I checked the weather as best as I can and controlled all webcams before I was driving two hours to the destination. But the fog, this beast, came out after I was on my way. And guess what kind of weather it was at our third trip? No fog, clouds instead.
But we’ve got some luck. I jumped out of the car and was disappointed about the cloudy sky. Stefan was looking at the sky too and told me; watch, there is a small hole, maybe it gets bigger, let us try this and go for a hike.
So we did it and it cames better, not clear, but clear enough. And as you saw my image from yesterday with the light pollution and the bright full moon, watch this and see how many stars you can see in the sky, when it’s more dark than in our cities.


The milkyway in the vineyard

Posted on Januar 17th, 2014

Before I started nightly hiking in the mountains, I tested a lot in the flat land around my hometown. Although the light pollution is extreme high and the full moon was extreme bright, you can see the milkyway at the horizon. Because of the strong ultra wide angle lens and the angle upwards to the sky, is the horizon strongly cranked, but the sky is looking great.


From rain to rain in Jontunheimen

Posted on Januar 16th, 2014

It was one of  the worst day in series of bad days in this holiday. Most time it was cloudy or it was raining. At this stop, a take an image of the next rain starting, you can see the raindrops in the lake. While I took this moody image, my dog used his chance to get in the lake. And if he is in the water, he will not come out so quickly. He was cold, I could see it at the wave circles of his shiver. But do think he comes out? No! We need about 15 minutes until we could grab his neckband and pull him out. This little dog is so bullish!


The weed in the sea of wheat

Posted on Januar 14th, 2014

One day I was on an evening photowalk and shooting this and that, as I saw this symbolic situation. A single plant in a large cornfield, fighting its way to the light. In these gray days we can looking forward; the days will getting greener. For this image I needed one single shot and my fancy macro lens at f/2.8 to bring only the weed in the focus.


The smoky moon

Posted on Januar 13th, 2014

The sun was allready down and the stars visible, as I shoot this photo. But something’s strange on the image. Either the moon is burning or there is a doomsday meteor in the sky. The fact we are still here, excludes the 2nd possibility. But why is there smoke at the moon, I thought it couldn’t be smoke in the space without air. Or maybe they are right and there is also no space and the technicians fixed the problem with the fire. And yes, I think there are now more dark spots on the moon…



Posted on Januar 12th, 2014

Yesterday I showed you a nightshot of the Eiger. On this image, I shoot next day afternoon, you can see down to the village of Grindelwald. On the left border you can see a path trailing up, somewhere there I was the night before and shoot the Eiger. On th right side you see the large shadow of the Eiger but you can’t see the mountain. This is maybe a normal tourist photo if you are walking from the Männlichen to the ‘Kleine Scheidegg’. It’s an easy afternoon walk and if you stay in Grindelwald or Wengen, don’t miss it.
