When the dusk falls
Posted on Mai 22nd, 2014
It was one of these evening, when I expect it could get an interesting sunset. I grabbed my cam run to my car and put rubber on the tarmac. Until I found a place where I can get a nice image, the show was nearly gone. But I catched this one.
I should take more time to shoot photos and not run outside, when the show is already running.
A starry night
Posted on Mai 17th, 2014
It was one of my first try to catch the Milkyway. First I waited for a night without moon and second I waited with a night without moon and no clouds. And for better seeing conditions I was driving on a place in the alps where I have a good sight without too much light pollution.
I choose my favorite Waegital and this was my first visit there. I was starting at home about 8 o’clock in the evening and reached this point at 10pm. Took some images and left it short before midnight.
I never saw the milkyway so clearly and for central Europe it is really impressive how good I could see it.
Now I’m waiting for the next moonless night without clouds to take more of these awesome Milkyway shots.
The early bird…
Posted on Mai 14th, 2014
I hate waking up early in the morning but sleeping in the tent was anyway not so comfortable. We built up the tent on an uneven ground, therefore I was sonstantly gliding of my mat. The whole two hours we had to sleep between the starscape shots and the sunrise.
So it was not as hard as usual to stand up, the hard time was coming later. But this time I was awake early enough to see the “Alpenglühen” when the sun was hitting first peaks with her red beams. It is always very impressiv to see the sunrise in the mountains, especially I can fight my lazy bones.
Posted on Mai 8th, 2014
This a nice museum in Norway, like http://www.ballenberg.ch/ in Switzerland, where the curators preserves old buildings. You can see how the norwegian lived in other centuries.
The weather conditions were bad and not far in the future it started to rain. It was the right decision to take a bracket series and so I could save the sky.
If you visit Bergen, you should also stop at Gamlebergen ( http://www.bymuseet.no/index.php?vis=79&spr=en ), near in the north of Bergen.
Posted on Mai 1st, 2014
This amazing waterfall was on our way from Roldal via Odda to Bergen. It was a bright day, the sun was shining, the sky was blue and the exposure time was too short. The water was not soft it was crisp, but I wanted it soft.
Hmmm, ahaa, good to have bigstopper in my luggage. The ND 1000 is so dark, you must set the full camera on manual mode. But then, I can shoot for 30 seconds exposure time even on this bright day. And voila, my soft water is in the box.
Sunset over Bensheim
Posted on April 20th, 2014
I’m still in easter holiday and after all the cloudy nights without a chance to get some nightshots, I had to walk with Bubu in the rain. And the best part is, it doesn’t rain everywhere, it rains only in the small side valley where I was walking with my dog, hmmm.
About the photo, where I shot two years ago. I was walking around to search good places for the portrait shooting of the bridal couple, when I found this sightseeing over Bensheim while the sun was just hide behind the horizon.
If you are lucky and the clouds are at the right position you can shoot nice sunsets everywhere. If there are no clouds you can have the best sightseeing and the sunset will not be spectacular. So don’t hope for a cloudless sky, okay to much clouds are also bad…
The sun is coming
Posted on April 18th, 2014
The plan was driving on holiday over easter up to the mounains and making photos like a machine, was the plan… But well, the weather is going bad and now it is nothing with making photos. Only sitting in the hotel room and going out with the dog from time to time to get wet from the rain or now from the snow. That was also the reason for the missing post yesterday. I was waiting for the darkness and with the darkness the first clouds were coming and covered the sky.
So, for tonight a photo from the stack, unfortunately not a fresh one.
I shot this image as an HDR from the top of the Selun mountain. You can see the first light of the begining day and you can still see some stars at the opposite corner. And after I shot this image I thought in a short while is the sun coming up over the horizon. But no, it was going over an hour until I could see the sun shining over the peaks.
It’s raining again in Jotunheimen
Posted on April 13th, 2014
After the whole day it was raining like hell, we had a short break. But before I was back in the car, it start raining again.
It was a bit pitty, because we missed a lot of very cool destinations and no, it was no option to stop and leave the car, trust me! It was horrible wet outside and so we drove from sightseeing to sightseeing.
Now we have spring again, and hopefully I’m looking to a nice year full of hiking at dry conditions.
The skyline of the alps
Posted on April 12th, 2014
Look at this, what a beautiful sight! It’s the view from the Selun mountain to south east over the alps. You can can see the lake Walensee and behind the Mountains of the kanton Glarus.
And who says a moonless nights are better to see stars? Maybe, but the moonlight is lighten up the wonderful landscape of this nice part of the earth.
I personally like this awesome sight over the Skyline of the Alps and every step at the steep way up to the mountain was worth it.
After work – Friday!
Posted on April 11th, 2014
Quick, go out and enjoy this beautiful friday evening. Go out with your friends, take a drink and have fun!
Like this people in Bergen, Norway we can go and sit outside in a mild spring evening. Okay if you life in New Zealand you may have already autumn and you are awaiting the first snow. But we here in Europe, we pleased for a friendly spring and a better summer than our last winter was.
In this spirit, I wish you all a wonderful weekend and stay tuned for an awesome new image tomorrow!