Good morning, sun!
Posted on April 10th, 2014
After I spent a half night out for walking and finding good locations for nightshots, I was already on my way back home, as the sun beguns to flood the valley with light. You can see the sunrays of the red early morning sun comes over the peaks into the valley and lighten up the peaks until they glow like beacon.
I hates to stand up in the early morning, better is stay awake the whole night and I can see the sunset, the stars and the sunrise.
Spring is coming
Posted on April 6th, 2014
I was near this beatiful landscape and on my way I could see how the mountains are glowing from the deep standing sun. So I was driving further until I saw a nice hill where I could climb up to get a panoramic view.
And oh no! I was to late and the mountains are no more glowing, *sigh* but the view was outstanding anyway. So I took some images before I turned back and gone home for diner, where my wife was already waiting because I was to late…
Northern lights – Swiss version
Posted on April 5th, 2014
Some of you know this image, it’s my profiles background. And maybe you want to know the story behind it.
Once upon a time in Switzerland at a beautiful warm spring day I was hiking to the Graeppelensee. It was the day I had the bad experience with a unexpected snow field, the snow field where I get wet feet! Did I ever mentioned, that I hate wet feet? Okay, I was standing in the snow with wet feet, took some pictures and was angry about the whole situation. At this point the clouds where hiding the moon and the landscape sunk in darkness.
But hey, I had I speedlight with me, no, no Mrs. Nature – not with me! So I could brighten up the foreground, while the background still had moonlight.
And now about the strange light in the sky. These are clouds, brighten up by sodium vapor lamps of all the villages around the mountains. And because the clouds are moving fast and I shoot slow, they smeared to this cool effect.
Posted on April 3rd, 2014
What a sightseeing isn’t it? After I walked the way, you can see it in the picture, up from Geiranger to the Mountain called Dalsnibba on an altitude of nearly 1500m I was still fresh like a spring morning. Okay I didn’t walked up there, you can drive with your car up to the peak…
But the sight is really breathtaking. And can you see the lake deep down in the valley? This is not a lake, this is the sea, it’s the end of the Geirangerfjord with the small village Geiranger, where is about 100km away from the coastline and this is really awesome. The peak is only 1500m high, but you have to start at 0m altitude down in Geiranger.
Posted on April 2nd, 2014
The nightly walk through Vienna goes on. This time I can show you the inner part of the Hofburg, if you walking past the Hofreitschule then you come to this atrium. Normally are there a bunch of cars and people, but if you go at night, you can take pictures like nobody is living there. Except the one single car at the back, do you see it?
Anyway, if you are in an interesting city, go for a night walk and see all the places without the tourists, after all I’m not a tourist I’m a photographer
Kitchen aid wanted
Posted on März 30th, 2014
Top modern kitchen, fresh painted and all necessary tools are available. Your job is to cook for the masters family, food and lodging for free. You will get one day per month for your free time. Your skills are preparing and cooking fish and vegetables. You also have to reach the comestibles on the market early in the morning and working hard until midnight.
If you are interested, ask for Mr. Smöltje at Mainstreet in Gamlebergen, Norway.
Posted on März 28th, 2014
During my stay on the mount Selun I took also an image of the Toggenburg, the valley from where we climbed up the mountain. You can see on the opposite side the mount Saentis with the glowing antenna.
And farther away you can see the light pollution of the Bodensee region and probably a part of Germany. The way up was not a piece of cake, I can tell you, especially when you carry the havy camera gear…
The morning glow
Posted on März 27th, 2014
After a hard climb, a long night and a short sleep, we stood up early enough to see the sun rising. The peaks are glowing in the red morning sun and the dawn is changing to daylight. The grass was wet from the night and, haha, I wear better shoes and didn’t get wet feet.
It was a very beautiful sunrise and the hard mountain hiking was forgotten.
The glacier river
Posted on März 26th, 2014
Once again an image from Norway. It was on a hike to the Briksdalsbreen, a glacier in the middle of Norway. It’s an easy walk from the parking lot a little upward to the end of the valley where the mightful glacier is coming down from the upper part.
You can see the melted water from the glacier in the foreground and the end of the valley with the large glacier tongue. Unfortunately it is melted now to far, so you can no more reach the end of the glacier without danger. But it is impressive anyway, if you are standing at the foot of the glacier.
The castle ruin in Vuorz
Posted on März 25th, 2014
In the Swiss region Surselva you’ll find a village called Waltensburg or in the regional language Vuorz, don’t ask me how to spell it :).
With an easy walk you can reach this ruins nearby. They are telling about times long ago, the good old times where you can clear difficult situations with a small mace.
Today the only weapon you can use is a canon, a Canon 5DmkII or similar.