
Lonely in the rain

Posted on März 20th, 2014

If you’re driving nearly 2000km to see a breathtaking place on earth, you won’t stop short before your destination only because it rains. After we received the parking near the Preikestolen in Norway, it begans to rain. At the beginning it was light summer rain but during the hours it was a constant heavy rain.
And so we walked 3 hours up and another 3 hours down through the rain. I could not make so much photos of the impressive landscape it was simply too wet.
But short after we returned I gazed back and saw this lonely person standing at the cliff. Under the feet 700m free fall down to the fjord.



Posted on März 19th, 2014

Near the german town Bensheim is a recreation area close to the town, called Fürstenlager. A good friend of mine celebrated his wedding at this beautiful place. I reached the location at the evening before and took the chance for a late photowalk at the sunset. It was the right decision and I could see an awesome sky until the dusk.


A day by the lake

Posted on März 18th, 2014

On a sunny march day like we had this weekend, I was walking around this little lake. The sun was shining and the insects are flying through the picture and the nature starts the bloom. How beautiful can a spring day be.
I was just ready to publish this image as my litle wouwou was eating a small whatever from the dog food shop, given by my wife. And my spring feelings are gone! Booaah this stuff stinks like hell! More spring feelings tomorrow, now I have go to get a gas mask, open the windows and spray a whole bottle of an air freshener…


How trolls are living

Posted on März 17th, 2014

Today I can share a top secret with you. On my norwegian tour I followed a troll to his home and waited there until he left again. Then I used the time to make a fast shot before he’s coming back. It was very dangerous, because if he traped me who knows what happend to me. But I was fast enough outside again. After I heard him coming back, I jumped out of a window in the backside of the hut.



Posted on März 14th, 2014

They are looking like the blade of a knife, the Churfirsten in the Toggenburg region. Like always my friend and I were late and missed the sunset. But this was maybe better, probably we didn’t wait long enough to see this amazing lightning in the sky. And what I didn’t know at this moment, is how wet my feet get in the next few hours because I wear the wrong shoes and as you know: I hate wet feet!


A colorful sunset in the Emmental

Posted on März 12th, 2014

After the spooky troll hut of yesterday, today we have a nice spring sunset. I shoot it in the region of the Emmental near Berne. You can enjoy e very lovely landscape in this part of Switzerland. If you turn around you could see the nice horizon full of mountains and many of them over 4000m high. But this view shows the more flat part of Berne, else I wouldn’t see the nice sunset.


The handy man

Posted on Februar 12th, 2014

This was the night before the wedding of friends of mine. It was a mild spring night and we stayed outside of a restaurant in Weinheim, drinking, eating and were anticipating for the next day.
As a nightly photoshooter I could not resist to take some images of this pretty small town. At the background you can see the nearby church and at the top of the trees you see, it was not completly windless. What also cool is, there are not only this yellowish sodium vapor lamps and this gives the image more colors. It is a bracketing series of three with 2ev steps.


The sun and the rain

Posted on Februar 7th, 2014

After another week of grey weather, I need more color in my life. So I poked in my archive and found this wonderfull spring image.
It was a rainy day and I came home from our weekly food shopping, as the clouds unexpected moved away and the sun spent her light over the landscape. I let my wife alone with all the shopping parts and run up to the nearly hill. And I was right there before the sun was away and could take this breathtaking photo.
I needed 7 images with 2ev steps to get the full dynamic in this scenery.


A cloudy holiday

Posted on Februar 2nd, 2014

It was on my first journey with my DSLR and I made so many things wrong. It seems I had to do this journey through the US again to fix the mistakes I have done :)
I was not so happy on this day with the weather. After I woke up and watched out of the window, I saw it was snowing, in May near Las Vegas! Hell I wasn’t prepared for this cold temperatures. But well, the weather was bad but good for getting nice HDR images. Bad weather conditions are made for this kind of images. If you do normaly shots, you will get a nice white sky, but with a bracket series…


A little bit winter

Posted on Februar 1st, 2014

After two hard days of working, I had to go out at night to came down. Not for drinking beer but for making Photos! I drove up to the sternmost part of Appenzell in hope to have at least a bit winter here. And yes, there was a bit, but only a bit. The sky was really clear, no clouds and no moon was disturbing and because of the Fön, so is called the warm wind over the Alps, it was very warm about 2°C. This time you see a nearly perfect nightshot from me. I used my new 14mm Samyang at f4 with only 800ISO on my 6D. And now look at this image how clear and noiseless it is. I like this technique! And think of it, there was no moonlight.
