
The blue hours of Bergen

Posted on Juli 10th, 2014

Normaly you have one blue hour after the sunset. But not so here up in the north, where the blue hour is going on the half night.
This is good, because you have a lot of time to take nice nightshots of th cities but for nightshots with a starry sky is this the wrong location, during the summer.
But even when you you can’t take starscapes, there are a lot of other beautiful objects you can shoot, like the city of Bergen at night.



Posted on Juli 8th, 2014

Strange name, but so it calls in norway. This is only the end of the mighty glacier, at the top of the summit, is a lot more of the glacier. But also this glacier was shrinken between the last 10 years.
I imagined, because of the images I had seen, this glacier a lot bigger and more mighty. Although, if you climbing over the stones and going nearer to the ice, it is still impressive large.
Ah by the way a small anecdote, as we climbing to the direction of the glacier for a better sighting, there was a loud bang above us in the ice, like a canon shot. My friend gulped once empty, driveled something about a shot across the bow and then I saw him hiding at the horizon, but there was nothing coming down :)


And the ferry is gone

Posted on Juli 6th, 2014

At this point the street is ending and further you can only go with the ferry. Foolish if you can see this image with the ferry from behind, then you have to wait another 24h at this point of nowhere, until the next ferry is coming.
But good for us, we were coming via the ferry from Lysebotn and have just left it. Because in a short while we took the road in the other direction,  left the Lysefjord and drove further on our journey through Norway.


The wild river

Posted on Juli 1st, 2014

To see the Latefossen in Norway from the street view, is an impressive sight. But if you take the effort to climb up the hill, then you can see a real nature spectacle.
It was real noisiness in near environment and the spray was floating in the air and makes the gear wet. Good to have a splash water protected model.


Bloomy monday

Posted on Juni 16th, 2014

Another week has begun and again it’s monday, a bloomy monday. I shoot this flower on my trip through Norway and I don’t know what it is. The only thing I know, this little blossom, in fact it was only about 1cm in diameter, looked pretty to me and so I took a photo with my macro lens.
And now I wish all of you a nice and interesting week. From tomorrow on, I will show you, the whole week long, pictures from my Milky Way Adventure. If you are interested, stay tuned and read the full story on my homepage and enjoy the images.


Trollstigen again

Posted on Juni 5th, 2014

Yesterday I showed you an image about the sightseeing stage. In fact the Trollstigen is not the metal stage but the way up to this awesome view over the valley.
But if the racer in you is activated by this view, be warned, you can forget it! Either there is a bus blocking the street or more worse there is a car driver from a flat country without any experience on a pass.
So happend to me, after I left a hairpin curve, he comes slowly upwards toward me and stopped in the middle of the road. Yes he stopped and waited, because he was afraid of the curve. On a street as wide enough were two busses can crossing, this guy needed the whole street and was blocked by Fear! (hehe). I had no chance and I had to drive backwards through the curve again.
And the moral of the story, forget to enjoy this wonderful pass road, there is always a handicap on the road!



Posted on Juni 4th, 2014

Yes, this is it, the trollstigen in Norway. And if this is the trollstigen, who are the people on it? Camouflaged trolls or only tourists? But if these are all only tourists, why do they call it trollstigen and not touriststigen? Questions over questions and only the trolls knows the answers.


Clouds over Troll City

Posted on Mai 28th, 2014

The clouds are getting thicker over the troll hats. Maybe it’s better I’m leaving now, who knows what’s happen when the trolls come back…


The mirror lake

Posted on Mai 21st, 2014

Another image from my norway trip. It’s near the town of Odda and at the end of the valley on the the other side of the lake, you can see a bit of a big glacier.
I was walking to the end of the glacier tongue at another day. But I could not reach it, because it was so steep and I was worried about my buddy Bubu, which was accompany me.


The sun breaks through

Posted on Mai 18th, 2014

If you saw some other photos of me from this day, you know at this day rain had become a new dimension. Short before our daily destination I was driving around a narrow curve and then I saw this.
Wow, what an atmosphere after a very wet day. But sometimes it is better for a good photo to have a rainy or cloudy day than a clear blue sky without any shadows. It’s maybe better for your mood, but less for interesting images. After a long day stayed only in the car, we became a nice close with a moody evening.
