Who’s Tom Fear
Posted on Dezember 23rd, 2013

After years of doing nothing outside, we became a dog we called Bubu. Okay he’s real name is Amadeo, but he looks like a Bubu

The next part in the story is, that my wife and I were planning a journey through the USA. And for this, I want to have a camera for getting HDR images. After some evaluations I buyed a Canon 550D. After I was back from the hollidays I was proud about my pictures, now I’m a bit less proud about it… But then I saw online some images which changes everything. I saw my images and I saw the other images and I know what I want to do! I had to buy a better camera, now I was owner of a Canon 60D. And this although I didn’t want to buy a DSLR for my journey, I wanted a point and shoot.
After I was more and more outside at night and I was unhappy with the noise in my images, I bought in the same year my third camera, a Canon 5DmkII. Now I was infected by the very dangerous virus called photography!
If you are interested in my photo adventures and learnings about photography, then you are right here!On this page I will participate you in my photographic adventures, day by day!