
Orion above

Posted on Januar 23rd, 2015

I was on my way for night photos in the mountains as I could see the clouds in the sky.
I thoughtto me, oh no, clouds again they will cover my beloved stars. But then I realized what the this clouds made to the stars. The clouds worked like a giant soft filter.
If you are watching stars in the sky, then you can recognize the star constellations. But on the image, when you can see all the other stars too, the constellations are no more recognizable, between all the stars. But look at this, when the foggy clouds are moved in front of the stars, can you see the Orion? This is really amazing how some clouds can completely change the sky.


Early sunday wake up

Posted on Januar 20th, 2015

After a short night, because I read an evil book, Bubu wake me up early in the morning.
He was moaning and I thought it’s an emergency and he need to go for a pee, but no, he only smelled the snow and wanted to go outside to play with his ball in the snow. Well, I was not very amuzed, but it was really a beautiful morning, very cold but the clouds were gone and I could see the blue sky above me and some fog. And then it starts to glow. Because of the fog, the red sunlight was first reflected in the clouds, before I could see where the sun will come up on the horizon.
And so after all, I was happy about my impatient friend, which woke me up early in the morning.


A sun day

Posted on Januar 18th, 2015

Yehaa, the snow is back! And without any dark, pardon, white magic.
While it was snowing very wet snow, the whole saturday long, after a cold night everything was frozen in the morning. While I was walking over the same streets which yesterday they were covered with, we say here in Switzerland “Pflotsch” to the very wet snow, now in the morning it was fresh and crispy. It sounds like I was walking over glass. And how amazing the sun was shining through the fog.


Milky Way in the dawn

Posted on Januar 16th, 2015

The moon was set long ago and the sky begun to lighten up, as the Milky Way was visible.
Bit by bit I could see the galaxy, which is appearing behind the near mountain. This was the last shot of the night, when the darkness was displaced by the light of the rising sun. Nearly two hours before the sun is visible at the horizon, the sky is getting brighter and the stars disappears. So all the work has be done and the photographer could go home to his well-earned sleep.


Fog and clouds

Posted on Januar 14th, 2015

The whole day was dull in mist and at the end when the fog was lighten up, there were also clouds in the sky.
It was a boring winter day without light and it was cold and I couldn’t see the sun. Even at the end there was this tree directly between me and the sun. There are days without light and colors only gloomy sadness… what do you mean? This is a colorful winter image? Hmm, now after you said, I can see it too :)


Winter forest

Posted on Januar 11th, 2015

After the winter is already over, time to grab an archive image of better days.
It was a beautiful day, nearly no clouds in the sky, but very cold and foggy during the night. Therefore all the trees were covered with hoar frost. And at the end of the day, the floor fog was lighten up and I could see the setting sun through the trees. The golden sunlight was combined with the blue frosty tones.


The center

Posted on Januar 9th, 2015

This is not a shopping center, this is the center of our galaxy.
It looks like they are having a great party there, the biggest light show in the neighbourhood. And the mankind is still waiting to be a part of the interstellar party people. Hey engineers work harder, I want to see it from near :)
Until we have useable engines, we have to use our cameras to take photos of the stunning space fireworks.


The stars and the sunset

Posted on Januar 7th, 2015

The sunset is still glowing, while the stars are already visible.
Here in the lonely wilderness, where the foxes and the rabbits say good night, where you can nothing hear than the blowing wind and the air is so clear, you can see the stars up in the sky before the last sun glow disappeared. There is it so darn cold you can freeze your balls of…
But there are a fandfull brave men, defy the hard condtions to get the pictures and bring it to you on your screen in the warm hut in front of a soft crackling fire.
“Tom Fear knows no Fear…” hmm, I already heard this quotation, who can tell me where?


Time to say goodbye

Posted on Januar 3rd, 2015

Look at this beautiful snow in this great landscape and say goodbye.
Why? Because like everytime when we get some snow, shortly after the snow was fallen, it starts to rain. And after the short rain period, long enough to murder the snow, it will come a long cold weather period. But hey, someone must belove this conditions and go walking with the dog in the dark, foggy winter light through the mud.
Do you think I sound depressed? No, I’m angry! I’ve ordered the snow and danced for it in the mountains, than they delivered it and after feast the toy is already broken? I want my waranty exchange, now, instantly! This is not discussible else I go for snowdancing again, this is a threat!


A last sunset

Posted on Januar 1st, 2015

This was it, the absolutely last one. The very last sunset of 2014.
After my snowdance in the alps, the snow was coming. And how it was coming. It is long time ago were we had so much snow here in the flatlands. But it is so amazing, I can use my snowshoes to walk with my dog. I can walk across over the meadows which are covered with a thick layer of snow. The landscape is so beautiful now.
And in the middle of a meadow I turned me araound and saw the sun a very last time in 2014, because it was the 31th of Dezember so yesterday :)
With this stunning firework tooks the sun leave the last year and therefore I wish all of you a very good start in the new year 2015!
