
The look back

Posted on September 9th, 2014

After some rainy days and missed opportunities, we left Lysebotn with the ferry on our way again through the wild fjordland of Norway.
On the half way to our landing place, where we can drive by car again, I took a picture back into the narrow Lysefjord with his high towering mountains on both sides. Yes, it would have been nice, to take a look down to the fjord from the top of the mountains, but rain and thick fog made us a line through the bill.
What a mess, now I have to drive again up to the north for another try…


Winter in the alps

Posted on September 7th, 2014

After a warm late summer day, some of you you may want to cool down a bit. At -10°C and fading sunlight on the crest is it definitely colder than now. For some of you are these temperatures too cold, but on the other hand there is wunderful powder snow, not like at the last winter. There you have to search the snow with a magnifier.
But now it comes first the autumn and hopefully it brings us some beautiful photo weather for some spectacular images. You will it see here what the weather has to offer us in the next few weeks.


The mountain in the mirror lake

Posted on September 5th, 2014

When the moon is shining, you can’t see the milkyway no more. But you can still see the stars, also if you shoot directly into the moon.
Here at the Graeppelensee, you know, where you can get wet feet, is the the near 2400m high mountain Schofberg, reflecting in the water. Meanwhile I am stalking with good footgear in the swampy area around. But at the end I reached my car with dry feet, thanks to the good shoes.


Sunset on the half way

Posted on September 3rd, 2014

Actually I wanted to enjoy the sunset peacefuly on the peak. But like mostly I was too late and the sunset started too early and I was still a good part away from the peak.
Therefore I took the rucksack of my back and shoot, at this really awkward place, a quick image out of my wrist. So you have to excuse the bad quality from this position, no comparision to an image from the peak with all these disturbing trees in the sight… ;)
After the short stop, I had still to go a good piece upwards to the mountain and until I was on the top, the sun was already hided behind the horizon.



Posted on September 1st, 2014

Once again a macro shot of something blooming. Free to the motto; it greens so green… In the spring there is already a pleasure, if you can discover a stunning green, after all the dirty brown tones during the winter time.
And like everytime I have no clue what it is. It was funny to look at, so I pulled out my cam and pushed the button. To hold the moment for bad times, like this summer, to have some enjoyable for the eyes.


The morning after

Posted on August 30th, 2014

After only a few hours of sleep, because I had to be awake on time for the sunrise and standing again behind the camera, I could enjoy this amazing view over the mountains.
At the evening before, I was climbing with a lot of luggage up to the Great Aubrig in order to spend a night on the mountain and to see the fantastic starry sky with the milkyway above the peaks. And also to shoot some impressive images with my camera. Beside the exhausting climb at approx. 30°C it was a beautiful climb. And at the morning after, still before the going down, I could get some stunning images of a wonderful sunrise.


Sunset before the wedding

Posted on August 28th, 2014

We were invited to our friends wedding. At the evening before the wedding and the party, I checked out the neighborhood, thereby we have a nice background for our portraits.
Because it was already late, I was able to see the Fuerstenlager at Bensheim in a very nice sunset. E voila here is the result, a beautiful environmet in a stunning light.


Directly into the sun

Posted on August 27th, 2014

After a long night on the Selun, was this the last picture I took, before we left and climbed the burdensome way back to the valley. Actually we thought it would be more easy on the way down, but we were wrong.
It was in minimum as same exhausting as upwards, especially because now was the sun shining. But everytime I’m looking at the images, I think, it was worth it! Mostly is it the same, if you overcome the inner temptation, then you will see it was a worthwile thing.


When the winter claws between the mountains

Posted on August 25th, 2014

After a long and exhausting weekend full of wedding photos, I found some time again to publish another image.
It was over easter in the Surselva and the winter doesn’t wont to go. Of course it was raining the whole long easter weekend or like you can see on the image it was snowing. Whereat I more like the snow as when it rains, at least snow is looking more beautiful. But let us surprise of the autumn, after the summer was never here this year.


Hoher Kasten

Posted on August 21st, 2014

(In english High Wardrobe) and it is not really high, but I am anyway happy, there is a funicular driving up, to the “High Wardrobe”. Well, so is it called, this hill with approx. elevation of 1800m.
I took this panorama with two shots and put it together. On the left side you can see the valley of the Rhine and on the right sight you can see the Alpstein, so called the mountain massif. There you can still see the antenna of the Saentis. Therefore I uploaded the image in a real high resolution and you should better watch it in this real high resolution.
