Time to say goodbye
Posted on Januar 3rd, 2015
Look at this beautiful snow in this great landscape and say goodbye.
Why? Because like everytime when we get some snow, shortly after the snow was fallen, it starts to rain. And after the short rain period, long enough to murder the snow, it will come a long cold weather period. But hey, someone must belove this conditions and go walking with the dog in the dark, foggy winter light through the mud.
Do you think I sound depressed? No, I’m angry! I’ve ordered the snow and danced for it in the mountains, than they delivered it and after feast the toy is already broken? I want my waranty exchange, now, instantly! This is not discussible else I go for snowdancing again, this is a threat!
A last sunset
Posted on Januar 1st, 2015
This was it, the absolutely last one. The very last sunset of 2014.
After my snowdance in the alps, the snow was coming. And how it was coming. It is long time ago were we had so much snow here in the flatlands. But it is so amazing, I can use my snowshoes to walk with my dog. I can walk across over the meadows which are covered with a thick layer of snow. The landscape is so beautiful now.
And in the middle of a meadow I turned me araound and saw the sun a very last time in 2014, because it was the 31th of Dezember so yesterday
With this stunning firework tooks the sun leave the last year and therefore I wish all of you a very good start in the new year 2015!
No moon, no snow
Posted on Dezember 30th, 2014
It was a short trip to the Seealpsee in Appenzell. It was for a test shooting with my Sony A7s.
The reason for this place was the darkness. Between the narrow and steep mountains it was no light left from the cities. It was unbelievable dark, I could only see the horizon and the red light on the Säntis. Under this conditions it was not possible to get a useable photo with my Canon 6D, even when I was shooting up to 8 minutes, was the image too dark.
But look at this, one single shot, no stacking, no long exposure only a 10 seconds exposure. Okay it is a bit noise in it, because of the used 12800 ISO, but it is still a pretty nightshot under the hardest conditions I know. I’m really excited about this camera, it will make the night shooting so much easier for me.
A bloody sky
Posted on Dezember 27th, 2014
I was on my way to the town, as I saw this! What an impressive sky and because of the Föhn I could also see the far alps.
The Föhn is a strong warm wind coming down from the Sahara and brings dry and warm air over the alps. Usually you can see the alps when this wind is blowing. In the Föhn-valleys it’s more a storm, but as a good effect you can see the far away mountains and together with this stunning sunset, what a beautiful end of the day.
Where is the snow?
Posted on Dezember 24th, 2014
This year is it more worse than the last one. No snow in the mountains.
Therefore I was driving up to the mounains and asking mother nature, ey, yo – where is the snow? I was also performing my famous snow dance in the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere. Now we will see, whether my performance has appeard. If the snow is falling in the next few day, think about me and my dance.
This image was taken with my brandnew Sony A7s with a 24mm f/1.4 Samyang lens. Shot with 6400 ISO, only 13 seconds apperture at f/2. It is really amazing how good this setup works at night.
The Shire
Posted on Dezember 22nd, 2014
One night, I was hiking deep into the wild mountains, I found the place where the Hobbits are living.
Just before I took the image I saw Bilbo walking up to his house, you can see the lights shining through the windows behind the trees. Only a bit earlier and I cached him, but so I could take an awesome image of the setting moon. Two minutes later was the moon hide away. It’s amazing how bright the moon is, if you shoot images with 3200 ISO. If you can shoot with more ISO you will probably see through the stones
Posted on Dezember 20th, 2014
Starting early enough to catch the sunset at the Vierwaldstaettersee and we reached the place right in time.
The best season to shoot the sunset at this point will be around the 21. of March or the 21. of September. Then you can see the sun mirroring along the lake. So I marked the day in my calendar for the next year.
But however, the blue hour was impressive too with the red clouds above the beautiful mountains and the purple colors on the water. It was really an amazing evening at the lake and I will go there for more shootings. Next time I go probably up to the top of the mountain behind me, the Fronalpstock.
After a dark night
Posted on Dezember 16th, 2014
This is the proof, that spending a whole, cold night in the mountains, will be rewarded. I mean, look at this … how amazing are these colors?
It was on the Melchsee-Frutt and it was summer so I left my long johns at home, what a mistake. I had to run up and down a hill to warm up. But how good was it to stay until the sun was rising up. Mostly the clouds are getting only orange, like the clouds at the horizon. But if the clouds are in the right height and the light can pass the horizon, then you can see such really red clouds in the sky. And the best of it, mirrored in the lake.
This is, what i call, a successful photo night
No stars in sight
Posted on Dezember 9th, 2014
It was another try to get some starscape shots with an interesting foreground. The weather forecast says yes, the nature says nope.
Therefore I was walking the whole way up and down without any nightshots. During the night the clouds were always there and I couldn’t sleep very well, but I was sleeping when the sunrise happend. And this was very sad, because clouds at night are not good but some clouds in the sky when the red sunlight is shining, is amazing.
Unfortunately I build up the tent a bit behind the pass and so I could see, what a stunning sunrise was going on behind the mountains, while I was packing my things together. So what I learned is, set always the alarm clock, even if you think you can anyway not sleep.
The winter is coming
Posted on Dezember 4th, 2014
Soon I can take images of the winter wonderland again. I only have to wait until weather in the alps are better and I can see some stars again.
Meantime I hope there will fall some snow again. The mountains are not fully covered with snow at the moment. But let us hope for a better winter in this season. Hopefully a lot better than the last one.