
Fall 2014 – job done

Posted on November 20th, 2014

It was a hard piece of work, but now everything is done and all leaves are dropped. Except some sqatter are still hanging around.
Therefore everything is ready for the winter and the snow can come now. It was not easy to suck all the chlorophyll back to the main storage. And to coordinat all the undocking maneuvers was this year real stressy. After I thought this summer was way too cold and all my fruits were anyway crippled because of the missing light, and I have to prepare for a long winter with too little saved energy.
But then the autumn was way better and I stopped the pre programmed undocking process and worked hard to suck as much sunlight as possible. But at the end, everything was finished early enough for this winter. So folks, I’m going to sleep, see ya next spring!
– Your Tree


Liquid sky

Posted on November 19th, 2014

It was an interesting sunset today. Nearly the whole sky was covered with clouds, but not the ugly November clouds, no the sky was well structured.
The sun was shining through the clouds, at some places more than at others and this gives this stunning structures. I took this image with a 3 images bracket series and made an HDR. But this time I didn’t use my heavy Canon 6D, I used a lightweight Sony RX-100 III.
And I’m really excited about the good quality of this camera. I think the noise is a bit stronger than on the full format sensor from Canon, but this camera is a point’n’shoot size gear. I will do more tests in the next days so I can say where the Sony has to be sort in.


The fog lifts

Posted on Oktober 15th, 2014

After the fog in the night the fields and the forests has thick enwraped, the morning sun freed us from the dull gray.
Only a short while later a wunderful morning shones with a blue sky. Who has thought, only a short while ago it was not possible to say where the sun would be in the sky.
And the fresh planted canola is waiting until the spring, when his yellow blossoms the whole neighborhood is filling with the lovely fragrance…


When the sky glows

Posted on Juli 29th, 2014

There are evenings, you can see how it will come. Then you know, now you have to pack your gear, drive to a place with an interesting object and you will get a color spectacle.
And so it was at this evening, you coldn’t do anything wrong. There were several cloud layers were begun to glow in different colors. I do only have to press the shutter and thing was in box.
In such sunsets it makes twice as much fun with the right equipment to run a riot :)
