
Grass in the wind

Posted on Juni 7th, 2014

In the center of the image you see a smeary thing. These are grass blades moving by the wind, while I made a long time exposure image. It’s interesting to see only a strange smear… what do you mean? You do more like the rest of the landscape? Okay, I see – it’s also very nice :)
I shoot this image on the peak of the Mythen, you know, where I missed the sunset and made other images of the fog of sea. Ah by the way, this is only moonlight and not sunlight. Okay technically it is also sunlight…


Bloomy monday

Posted on Juni 2nd, 2014

Today some colorful flowers for the begining week. The weather forecast is predicting the summer. Until the weekend it should be up to 30°C here in Switzerland. I hope I’m ready for such hot conditions, I’m still waiting for snow…
Time to realize, this train is already gone now. Therefore we hope now for a very beatiful summer!


The wishy-washy winter

Posted on Juni 1st, 2014

In the month of april the weather doesn’t know what’s to do. Is it dry or wet, warm or cold, should the grass grows or do we want snow again…
In my opinion is this a typical april image. Nearly every weather is mirrored in it. The sun shines, the grass is already green, but there are also dark clouds in the sky and a bit snow is covering the trees like sugar powder.


Sunrise on the Baederalp

Posted on Mai 30th, 2014

The attentive reader may remember my trip here on the Baederalp, when I took the wrong way. You can see the lonely house and there I should take the way left, which leads up to the Baederhorn, this is the 2000m mountain behind the house. But Mr. Fear took the way to the other direction, in to the forrest where you can see exactly nothing. And it was such a clear night without moon, good to see the milkyway … okay enough beeing fussy.
After I was back, I saw some other people, which took the right way, disappear behind the hill. So, when I already missed the nightsky, then I should make some sunrise images. I crossed the cow wire OUCH!, and stepped into the meadow. After I displaced some cows, which tried to eat my backpack, I could take an image of  this beautiful sunrise.


The working fluffy

Posted on Mai 29th, 2014

I like the fluffy bumblebees. They are busy like bees and fluffy like Bubu, but I will not cuddle them. Who knows how fast they lift up their ass and stick the sting in my fingers. So I let them working and watch only through my camera. It’s anyway difficult enough to catch this nervous and camera shy insects.


Bloomy monday, yes

Posted on Mai 26th, 2014

This post is dedicated to all of you, like me, who is suffering under the pollution of this plants. It’s the agressiv grass party. They think it is a good idea to use the air to transport very dangerous chemical materials.
We need clean air and therefore I founded a petition to stop this pollution. If we can collect enough signs, we can force a democratic decision, where all has to follow, yes!
It has to stop now! Vote for pollen free air!
By the way, this was a very tricky exposure and this are real grass pollen.


The beautiful sea of fog

Posted on Mai 23rd, 2014

It was one of these grey and foggy day in the autumn and I told me, why not go and see the other side of the fog. And so I packed my rucksack, jumped in my car and drove to the mountains.
After a short ride with the cablecar and a longer hard climb up to the Mythen, I missed the sunset. But all my hopes to see the beauty of the sea of fog are beaten by this extraordinary view down to the world. You can still see the orange sunset while up in the sky the stars are already blinking. And then, the lights through the fog, how amazing! I was really impressed by this wonderful sightseeing down to the civilisation.
After some shooting hours on the peak, I walked back to my car, this time I have to walk the whole way down, the cablecars are no more working after midnight. I reached the car at one o’clock and I was back at home approximately at three o’clock – good night. :)


When the dusk falls

Posted on Mai 22nd, 2014

It was one of  these evening, when I expect it could get an interesting sunset. I grabbed my cam run to my car and put rubber on the tarmac. Until I found a place where I can get a nice image, the show was nearly gone. But I catched this one.
I should take more time to shoot photos and not run outside, when the show is already running.


A bird in the sky

Posted on Mai 20th, 2014

Here on the country side of Switzerland, we can see a lot of this red kites. The tricky part is, to get a photo of them. If you are walking around you can see many of them. Some of them are fighting against a crow or more in reverse order.
But if you are coming with your camera… nobody’s there. They are doing this on purpose, to annoying me. But one time I catched one of them. Unfortunately until I had my tele lens mounted, it was to high to get a full frame shot, but I cached em anyway. Ha!


A starry night

Posted on Mai 17th, 2014

It was one of my first try to catch the Milkyway. First I waited for a night without moon and second I waited with a night without moon and no clouds. And for better seeing conditions I was driving on a place in the alps where I have a good sight without too much light pollution.
I choose my favorite Waegital and this was my first visit there. I was starting at home about 8 o’clock in the evening and reached this point at 10pm. Took some images and left it short before midnight.
I never saw the milkyway so clearly and for central Europe it is really impressive how good I could see it.
Now I’m waiting for the next moonless night without clouds to take more of these awesome Milkyway shots.
