
Fall 2014 – job done

Posted on November 20th, 2014

It was a hard piece of work, but now everything is done and all leaves are dropped. Except some sqatter are still hanging around.
Therefore everything is ready for the winter and the snow can come now. It was not easy to suck all the chlorophyll back to the main storage. And to coordinat all the undocking maneuvers was this year real stressy. After I thought this summer was way too cold and all my fruits were anyway crippled because of the missing light, and I have to prepare for a long winter with too little saved energy.
But then the autumn was way better and I stopped the pre programmed undocking process and worked hard to suck as much sunlight as possible. But at the end, everything was finished early enough for this winter. So folks, I’m going to sleep, see ya next spring!
– Your Tree


Liquid sky

Posted on November 19th, 2014

It was an interesting sunset today. Nearly the whole sky was covered with clouds, but not the ugly November clouds, no the sky was well structured.
The sun was shining through the clouds, at some places more than at others and this gives this stunning structures. I took this image with a 3 images bracket series and made an HDR. But this time I didn’t use my heavy Canon 6D, I used a lightweight Sony RX-100 III.
And I’m really excited about the good quality of this camera. I think the noise is a bit stronger than on the full format sensor from Canon, but this camera is a point’n’shoot size gear. I will do more tests in the next days so I can say where the Sony has to be sort in.


Let’s get pink

Posted on November 16th, 2014

The reward after a steep climb and short night was the view to the red painted mountains by the very first sunrays of the day.
I was reaching the peak after the sun was setting behind the horizon. I took some shots built up my tent and took a short nap. Because of the clouds I couldn’t take starscapes. But later this night the clouds were gone and I could take some amazing shots, but more on this another time. After another short nap and this time I was up early enough, I could see the sunrise.
And it was amazing to see the very first rays with the red light and the long shadows over the valleys. Between some shots, I always saw another interesting light scene, I was packing together. And then, sometime while I was running around, I must lost my tent pegs. I was searching like crazy, but in the high grass I didn’t found it anymore. Darn, after this sunrise such a mistake, I picked up my backpack and was walking frustrated back home. But what a surprise! Then I saw the tent pegs lying in the grass, the day was saved! :)


The old church of Venasque

Posted on November 13th, 2014

At my last stay in France, I was in a region called Provence. It looks a bit like the Tuscany in Italy, except they are talking french, it’s anyway near the italian border.
However, I visited some nice old villages among others the village of Venasque. A small place on the top of a hill with narrow alleys and an old church, which was built in the 17. century and called like the famous dome in Paris, Notre Dame.
I used my Feisol tripod on the maximum height of about 2 meters and took a bracket series for an HDR image. The tripod is no more as stable on this height and it bounces a bit, therefore I used the 10s timer to wait until the camera was stable again. The usage of the camera at this height, gives me the possibility to level the camera horizontal to avoid angular lines, more or less.


The Orion behind the clouds

Posted on November 12th, 2014

It was the day, when I met the midnight paragliders. Yes, you heard right. I was lying in the snow, when the crazy guys were coming up to the peak and begun to unfold their parachutes and started into the nightly sky.
It was the day when I realized, nope, I’m not the biggest madcap in the nightly alps. But anyway, short after I took this image, the sky was completely covered with clouds and no stars were visible. But I could take this dynamic shot of the fast moving clouds with the good visible constellation of Orion.
Therefore I stuffed my gear in the rucksack and walked back to the top station of the funicular. The good thing was, the funicular was working until late night, for night sledding, so I didn’t have to walk down to the car.
But after I left the valley station, I looked up in the sky and what did I see? A clear sky! :-/



Posted on November 11th, 2014

Right after we started at the parking lot, it starts to rain and it rains not just a little bit. But as you think if it rains, then you will find an empty spot, you are wrong.
Although the trail is not that easy to go, there were a lot of tourists on the way. Maybe they thought the same way like we had, if we are here, who knows when we could be there again, so ignore the weather and go anyway.
But well, walking 6 hours through the rain, was interesting experience and it was good, my 5DmkII is weather sealed :)


First light over the Melchsee

Posted on November 7th, 2014

After a long, cold night there was a silver lining at the horizon. We had nearly no clouds the whole night long, but now at the beginning of the day some clouds were coming up in the sky.
And this was a good thing. Already now you can see a slightly reddish glow at the clouds and this was at the beginning of the blue hour before the sun was rising. If there are no clouds in the sky during the sunrise, the sky is only yellow and the red color is gone when the sun will be visible.
But this time I was to the right time at the right place. Okay, I was the whole night there, but you can still miss the sunrise if you are not watchful. ;)


Dark clouds over trollcity

Posted on November 5th, 2014

Slowly I creeped nearer to the troll buildings under my ghillie suit I was nearly not visible. But I had anyway a bad feeling while I was crawling over the swampy floor.
But all the effort was for nothing. I didn’t see any trolls. Maybe they were elsewhere on a manhunt. Therefore next time I will use some tripwires to catch them.
I ordered already some laser traps and infrared cameras. They can’t hide from me, someday I will catch one!


The moon at sunrise

Posted on November 4th, 2014

After a long and cold night, I unfortunately didn’t wear long underwear, the sun was lighten up the mountains again.
It was at the Melchsee-Frutt on 2000m altitude and after the good shoes I have now allways long pants with me.  The night was very clear with bright moonlight and therefore the temperatures were falling down although it was summer. With the sun came the clouds and I could take some interesting images while the sun was rising.
And so it was possible to combine the mountain glowing and the moon together on the same picture.


Daily fog

Posted on Oktober 29th, 2014

It’s autumn now, and we are in a foggy area here. And why not take some foggy images? I like this image with the fog fumes which are floating between the hills here in the Emmental.
Yes, it was not a sunny day, but in my opinion this is more interesting than a boring blue sky without any clouds. Okay this means you are a photographer. For sun fans isn’t what they want to have. Therefore if you want to take some images and it’s not a sunny day, don’t give up, you can take some interesting images anyway.
