Papa and son
Posted on Juli 13th, 2014
It seemed it could get a spectacular sunset. Therefore I sat in my car and was driving around in the Emmental, until I found a place where I had a good sight on the spectacle.
Here up by the Chuderhüsi – WHAT? Chudrhlsi what? Yes people, I know, but it calls so. In the Emmental there are some strange names for us lowland folks, but anyway, here up at the Chuderhüsi I found a really nice place were I had a beautiful framing und the clouds were stunning enlighted by the deep standing sun.
Fullmoon over Alpstein
Posted on Juli 12th, 2014
After an awesome sunset, the fullmoon was rising in the eastern sky. And because I was on the peak of the Faehnerenspitz while the sunset, I had enough time to look out for the best places with sightseeing, while I was walking down.
Whereas the moon was already high in the sky and his light was falling over the Appenzell and the residents were preparing for bed time, there was one jerk up on the hill making images of a really clear fullmoon night…
The sunny side
Posted on Juli 9th, 2014
If you are looking the whole day to a gray sky, it has not to mean, there is no sun. On the top of the mounains, above the sea of fog, you may find a much more beautiful world.
While the day is come to an end and the sun is hiding behind the horizon, the poor pigs down in the valley enjoying the end of a gray day.
Good I took the time and the effort to climb up the way on the mount Mythen.
Bloomy monday
Posted on Juli 7th, 2014
For all who want to have the summer back, a sunny smile of the friendly sunflowers.
I found this field near my hometown. While I was waiting until the sun was setting and the sky become the full red color, unexpectedly I saw the smile on the this sunflower. So I thought, how can the week better start as with a sunny smile?
Therefore we, the flowers and me, wishes you a beautiful week!
Sightseeing from Mount Mythen
Posted on Juli 4th, 2014
This is an image, which I like especially much. First you have a wonderfull sightseeing from the Mount Mythen to the mountains in Kanton Glarus. And second I like how the mountains are stacked to the horizon.
What I also like is the clearness, which is missing in many nightshots, because of the high ISO noise. There is nearly no noise in this image. You can see this if you watch and enjoy the image in full size.
Golden light over the Appenzell
Posted on Juli 2nd, 2014
After a long period of waiting for good weather, predicted the weather forecast, at least one beautiful evening. Okay, go for it and what can I say, the weather gurus were right.
While I was climbing up to the peak of the Faehnerenspitz, the sun was going down at the horizon and throw the golden light on the landscape. Well, this had to be photographed, who knows when you can see the sun so clear and cloudless at a sunset.
Bloomy monday
Posted on Juni 30th, 2014
Tody only a short post, I have to go in a hurry: THE MOUNTAIN’S CALLING!
But to the start of the week, I want you to five a flower and a butterfly on your way through the week. It schould give you a nice and a happy week.
Incredibly lot of stars
Posted on Juni 28th, 2014
This is in fact only a testshot, to see whether you can see the Milky Way. Oh yeah! You can!
I took this shot in the middle of autumn and also in an area with a lot of light pollution. But anyway you can see the Milky Way very clear. What me fascinated on this picture is, how incredibly many stars you can see, because of the extrem long exposure time.
I made this image with an astronomical mounting, called Astrotrac. This allowed me to take an exposure time of 240 seconds. And I took 11 shots which makes a total of 2640 seconds or 44 minutes exposure time. With 16mm focal lenght at f/2.8 and 1600 ISO on a Canon 5DmkII.
Please watch this Image in full resolution and zoom in – it’s crazy how many stars you’ll see!
Starry sky above the alps
Posted on Juni 27th, 2014
This shot I didn’t took with my wide angle lens, but with a standard 50mm f/1.4 from Canon. Normaly a good lens, but it is not so adequate for starscape images. In the corner of the image you can see a strong coma, though I had closed the aperture one f-stop down to f/2. Therefore I stayed with my Canon 16-35mm lens.
But also there is a coma, some of you may anyway not realized it, I think this image is not so bad, because with 50mm are the mountains a nice piece closer.
Fire in the sky!
Posted on Juni 26th, 2014
We were on our way to the mountains, to take some nightshots and suddenly we saw this fireworks in the sky. We almost came to late, because if it starts then it goes only a short time until it is over agin.
However, this short stop was a good idea, wasn’t it? And my friend Stefan was definitely right to hold his camera directly into the fire.