Early morning
Posted on Juni 7th, 2015
It’s much more interesting, if the the sunlight comes vertically.
If you want to shoot alpine images, the best time is early in the morning. You will see a lot more details and structures with the shadows from a deep standing sun. The ground looks a lot more structured and you can see all the waves on the meadows.
Another option is to go in the evening, before the sun touches the horizon. It depends on the the direction and this side of the mountains is better for morning shots and the other site is maybe better for evening shots. Check this on a map, before you plan your photo tour. The good thing on the morning is also, there are nearly no peoples on the images, because all the lazy tourists are still sleeping in their comfortable hotel rooms.
The work of man
Posted on Juni 3rd, 2015
After the man at work, today the work of the man.
Last time you saw Tom Fear at work, but what was worth it, to take a photograph? The view over the whole Emmental from the top of the Gurnigelpass. As you can see, if you take a closer look, the lights in the villages are still burning. It was early in the morning as the first light was visible on the eastern horizon. Meanwhile I still could see stars at the opposite sky.
Keep always in you mind, if you want to take starscape images, two hours before the sun rises at the horizon, the sky gets bright and the stars disappears, so you should be at your photo spot at least two hours before sunrise.
Man at work
Posted on Juni 1st, 2015
The weather was only for a few hours good to go and I used it.
It was cloudy on friday and it was cloudy on saturday too, but I heard the clouds should disappear in the middle of the night and come back during the sunday morning. What should I do under this conditions? Right, set the alarm in the middle of the night. Hop into the car, drive up to the mountains. Put on the hiking shoes on and walk up to the hill.
The condition was not optimal and I couldn’t see the ‘Alpenglühn’ but good enough for some nice images. First I could shoot some starscapes and then cames the dawn, followed by the blue hour. Only a nice red sky was missing, because there was a thick, fat cloud at the horizon directly in front of the rising sun.
But take this image in advance of a few interesting images in the next days.
Grain and poppies
Posted on Mai 29th, 2015
The beautys of the spring are blooming again.
After all the muddy brown fields are covered with growing grain, you can find them too. If you are looking good enough then you see all over the places the red spots between all the green grain blades, the poppy blossoms.
I like the extrem contrast of the green and beige grain and the extrem red shiny poppies. Sometimes I belief the camera was not able to catch the red tones correctly and it burned out.
Therefore I wish you all a wonderfull weekend, go out into the nature and watch for the red shiny poppies.
Posted on Mai 27th, 2015
When the spring days are getting longer and the air is warm and full filled of…
It could be so wonderfull to stay outside and enjoy the nature. Enjoying the sun and her warm rays on your skin and take a deep breath of the fresh spring air with all the fragrances of the blooming flowers. And: Achoo! Achoo! Achoo! It shakes you again and again like you are using a jackhammer.
Then you know, you sucked in, beside all the amazing spring fragrances, the pollen of the grass. Did you know, that all the yellow dust you can find on your car and elsewhere, are not so evil. The really hard stuff are the very fine pollen of the grass blades and they are a lot smaller, so you normaly don’t see it.
But one day, I was on the morning walk with Bubu, the dogs tail shaked some heavy loaded grass blades and I saw small clouds in the air. Ah there comes this ugly stuff from and a second later I thought, how can I get an image of this pollen? It was not that easy but I managed it. And after several tries, I pressed the shutter at the right moment.
An alpine view
Posted on Mai 25th, 2015
Watch it all, from the Mythen across the Rigi and the lakes, to the central swiss alps.
While the sun is already gone down behind the horizon you can sill see her red light. And it’s already dark enough to see all the lights of the villages down in the valley.
Because this is the ending of the blue hour you can also see the first stars and you can see the two planets, Venus and Jupiter.
This is an HDR panorama image, which means I took five times a bracket series to get all the dynamic I could also see by my eyes. My advice, if you ever go up to a sight seeing place like the Rotenfluh here, take your time and stay until it’s dark. Because after this pano I shoot also a night time pano with a lot more visible stars. The disadvantage is, after you took all the awesome photos and you are prepared to go down to the valley, you will notice that you missed the last funicular by far.
An ordinary gear test
Posted on Mai 19th, 2015
Bought a new camera and went for a quick test to the nearby pond.
It was one of that day, the new camera was lying on the table and it itched me in my index finger to press the shutter. So I went for a short camera comparison to a near pond and pressed a little bored a few times the shutter.
At home I had the same shot about 100 times on my disk, because I setup all three cams with the same focal length and controlled that I had the same image part on the sensor. Then I took each time a bracked serie with all three cameras. The images where more or less the same, this one is from my Canon 6D.
It makes no sense to show images of all three cameras they look similar, so maybe someone is interested in this test image…
Glacier water
Posted on Mai 12th, 2015
Surrounded by stony walls you can find a lake full of cool glacier water.
At an exceptional sunny weekend last year, I decided to go for a hike to the lake of Oeschinen in the Bernese Alps. It was a beautiful day with nearly no clouds and it was much to early to get sunset or nightly shots. This is because my little friend Bubu doesn’t like to stay on a peak in the night and therefore I could only go at day. But for an exploration tour I have to say, this landscape is really impressiv.
Maybe I should go for a nightly tour to get more moody images, this destination is definitely on my todo list.
Moonshine valley
Posted on Mai 10th, 2015
When the moon rises, the milkyway fades out and the landscape begins to shine.
At the beginning of the night I could see a very intense milkyway behind a dark landscape. But with the rising moon the landscape got more light and shadows. This was my last image of the night on this day. On the eastern sky I could already see a silver lining, time to pack together and go the long way back to home.
As we started our way back, was the landscape still very dark, but soon I could turn of my headlamp, short after I pulled off my rain pants and another night in the mountains was over. Before we reached the car, we crossed the first hikers on their way up, well they didn’t know what they had missed.
If the yellow light is gone
Posted on Mai 8th, 2015
First was the outerspace yellow moody light and then this.
After I thougth, so the show is ending I can go home, then the phase two was starting. The yellow bulb was replaced by a purple one. Sometimes you have the camera with you and everything is right and sometimes you can wait and wait and nothing happens.
Today there is also a thunderstorm coming, but the light is only dull and grey, therefore I can write this text without regret to stay inside the house.
Enough words, enjoy the image and the weekend